

Monday 3 November 2014

The Composition.

This session was to learn how compose all the drawings into a huge A0 size paper by using Photoshop. After the composition we are also required to render the composition as well.

Lecture 9 : Exploded Axonometric

Lecture 9 was to draw an Exploded axonometric drawing. It was difficult at first but manage to finish it on time.

Lecture 8: One point perspective

Learnt how to draw a proper one line perspective drawing. This session taught me how to draw a one point perspective with the desired angle with details to enhance the picture.

Lecture 7 : Technical Drawings ( Section and Elevations)

Below are some of the section and elevation drawn from the previous floor plan.

Section 1

Section 2

Below are 4 completed Elevation.

Elevation 1

Elevation 2

Elevation 3

Elevation 4

Lecture 6 : Technical Drawing ( Plan and Roof Plan)

In this session i have developed on how to draw a proper roof plan and also a floor plan. The roof plan is developed directly from the floor plan. Scale given was 1:75.

Lecture 5 : Architectural Plan and Symbols

As an architecture student, i learnt that every line drawn has a meaning behind it, even the thickness of the line matters much in a 2D drawing. It help me in improving my drafting skills and improved my understanding in architecture symbols too.

Below are 4 elevations that i have constructed in class.